Activities coming up for the month of March, April and May.
1 March - 31 March 2010
Ice-cream sales
Venue: Pondok A of SMK Batu Lintang
Time: During the morning session recess and the afternoon session recess
Please show your support and buy more ice-creams!! :D
20 March 2010
Twinning of Leo Club of Swinburne, Kuching and Leo Club of Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Venue: Mian Ann Restaurant
Dress Code: Formal
25 April 2010
Blind Centre Sales*
Venue: Blind Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.
2 May 2010
Perkata Sales*
Venue: Perkata Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.
*We will be selling Soya Bean drinks, Gui Ling Gao, and Tauhu Hua. In addition, we need around 10 leos to help out in this event.
For those of you who are interested in helping/going, please pass your name to Stella (5 Jujur).