20 March 2010
Twinning of Leo Club of Swinburne, Kuching and Leo Club of Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Venue: Mian Ann Restaurant
Dress Code: Formal
This event was attended by 6 leos.
18 April 2010
SSPCA Charity Sales*
Venue: Civic Centre
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything
This sale... There were 10+ leos helping. Our leo advisor was there too. We joined our stall with Leo Club of CHMS 1 and Leo Club of Green Road.
It was fun!!! [We end our sale at 9.00am. for the first time!]
25 April 2010
Blind Centre Sales*
Venue: Blind Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.
13 leos were present. We sold bee hive-honey cake,
Soya Bean drinks, Gui Ling Gao, and Tauhu Hua.
2 May 2010
Perkata Sales*
Venue: Perkata Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.
It is gonna held this weekend... Hope there will be more than 10 leos going...
22 May 2010
Lion Club of Kuching North's 20th Anniversary
Venue: Sarawak Club
Time: 7.00p.m.
Dress Code: Formal
Ticket: RM 40
Ten leos will be going....
*We will be selling Soya Bean drinks, Gui Ling Gao, and Tauhu Hua. In addition, we need around 10 leos to help out in this event.
At the SSPCA sales...
We started at 7.00a.m.
Our first costomer came before we set up our stall...
The biz was kinda good...
At 8.00a.m.++ ...
Our customer became less n less...
Suddenly wen de clock strikes 8.30a.m.
Lots of ppl came n buy all our drinks n food.
Thus, before 9.00a.m.
We finished selling. Some went home, n some help out with other stalls.
- We sold bout 100 of each type of food. Namely, Char Keuh Tiaw, Char Bi Hon, Tauhu Hua, Black Soya Bean Drink, Yellow Soya Bean Drink.
- Other school sold sandwich-tuna n sardine, can drinks, fried chicken.