Monday, April 26, 2010

Greetings Fellow Leos!

20 March 2010
Twinning of Leo Club of Swinburne, Kuching and Leo Club of Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Venue: Mian Ann Restaurant
Dress Code: Formal

This event was attended by 6 leos.

18 April 2010
SSPCA Charity Sales*
Venue: Civic Centre
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything

This sale... There were 10+ leos helping. Our leo advisor was there too. We joined our stall with Leo Club of CHMS 1 and Leo Club of Green Road.

It was fun!!! [We end our sale at 9.00am. for the first time!]

25 April 2010
Blind Centre Sales*
Venue: Blind Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.

13 leos were present. We sold bee hive-honey cake,
Soya Bean drinks, Gui Ling Gao, and Tauhu Hua.

2 May 2010
Perkata Sales*
Venue: Perkata Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.

It is gonna held this weekend... Hope there will be more than 10 leos going...

22 May 2010
Lion Club of Kuching North's 20th Anniversary
Venue: Sarawak Club
Time: 7.00p.m.
Dress Code: Formal
Ticket: RM 40

Ten leos will be going....

*We will be selling Soya Bean drinks, Gui Ling Gao, and Tauhu Hua. In addition, we need around 10 leos to help out in this event.

At the SSPCA sales...

We started at 7.00a.m.

Our first costomer came before we set up our stall...

The biz was kinda good...

At 8.00a.m.++ ...
Our customer became less n less...

Suddenly wen de clock strikes 8.30a.m.
Lots of ppl came n buy all our drinks n food.

Thus, before 9.00a.m.

We finished selling. Some went home, n some help out with other stalls.


  1. We sold bout 100 of each type of food. Namely, Char Keuh Tiaw, Char Bi Hon, Tauhu Hua, Black Soya Bean Drink, Yellow Soya Bean Drink.
  2. Other school sold sandwich-tuna n sardine, can drinks, fried chicken.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Greetings Fellow Leos!

Activity in June

Leo Forum
Date: 5th June 2010 to 7th June 2010
Place: Keningau, Sabah

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Greetings Fellow Leos!

Activities coming up for the month of March, April and May.

1 March - 31 March 2010
Ice-cream sales
Venue: Pondok A of SMK Batu Lintang
Time: During the morning session recess and the afternoon session recess
Please show your support and buy more ice-creams!! :D

20 March 2010
Twinning of Leo Club of Swinburne, Kuching and Leo Club of Georgetown, Pulau Pinang
Venue: Mian Ann Restaurant
Dress Code: Formal

25 April 2010
Blind Centre Sales*
Venue: Blind Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.

2 May 2010
Perkata Sales*
Venue: Perkata Centre (along Jalan Ong Tiang Swee)
Time: Morning until we finish selling everything.

*We will be selling Soya Bean drinks, Gui Ling Gao, and Tauhu Hua. In addition, we need around 10 leos to help out in this event.

For those of you who are interested in helping/going, please pass your name to Stella (5 Jujur).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Greetings Fellow Leos!

Activities for the month of January and February.

30 January 2010
Sarawak Children Cancer Society Visit
Venue: Sarawak Children Cancer Society (near Saberkas)
Time: 11am - 2pm

7 February 2010
Care Project
Venue: Lions' Nursing Home
Time: 8am - 11am

For those interested, please pass your name to Stella. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Greetings Fellow Leos!

Activities coming up in September and August.

Leo Orientation
Date: 19/09/2009
Time: 9.30am - 12.00pm
Venue: Swinburne
*Bring your vests
*The 3 keys must attend this activity

St. Teresa Leo Anniversary Night
Date: 24/10/2009
Venue: Sarawak Chamber (Crowne Plaza)
*For more information, please look for Stella.

Mooncake Festival Celebration
Venue: Chesire Home
Price: RM10 per person
*Get your tickets from Stella

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Greetings Fellow Leos!

The Ice-cream Sales is postponed to 10 - 14 August 2009.
Those who wants to help, please pass your name to Stella (4 Jujur).

Installation and Induction Lunch will be at the Banquet.
You need to bring your tickets along to enter.
It will start at 11.45am and finish at 4pm. 4 - 5pm will be Footloose.

Our Anniversary Dinner will be on the 28 August 2009. The venue has not been confirmed yet. If you have any suggestions, please inform Stella.

Those who wants to go for the Care Project this month can pass your name to Stella.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Greetings Fellow Leos!

This blog is ready. Activities and notices will be posted up here. Be sure to check back every now and then.